The software is available on a try and buy basis. Some is freely available as a web page.
Please to the author.
B M I Calculator is a web page which enables you to calculate your Body Mass Index. If you are under 19 years old then it uses a table used by a school in the Philippines which bases your BMI on your height and weight and the number of months in your age.
Updated: January 13th, 2016
Board Composer is a web page which enables you to enter the cards in one or more bridge boards or deals and to have the makeable contracts calculated. The results may be merged in with web pages generated by Scorebridge.
Updated: October 15th, 2012
Bookmarklets and Browser Extensions is a web page listing Bookmarklets and Browser Extensions created with Crossrider.
Updated: April 3rd, 2013
CountDown is a computer program which enables you to
play the popular television game (more...).
The online version is here.
For a screenshot click here.
Updated: January 7th, 2007
GeoIP is a form which you can use to determine the location of an internet address.
Updated: March 16th, 2008
MP3Tagger is a computer program which enables you to
edit the tags in your MP3 files. You can add artwork to the files. The
web is used to gather artist, album, artwork and track title information.
You can also view videos,lyrics and biographies.
For a screenshot click here.
Updated: February 12th, 2011
NumberFiles is a computer program which enables you to
prefix file names with a number. This will enable you to order the files
prior to uploading to a web site or a mobile phone.
For example JPEG files can be numbered in ascending or descending order based on
the name, the date the file was last modified or the date the picture was taken.
The download file is the actual executable so download it into a folder and note where you put it.
Updated: June 3rd, 2009
Pictures is a computer program which displays and
manipulates pictures (eg JPEG files). You can easily produce web
pages from folders of pictures.
For a screenshot click here.
Updated: April 10th, 2007
Playlist is a page which may be used to create a playlist from text for Tomahawk.
Updated: July 29th, 2012
Play a Hand of Bridge Again is a set of web pages which perform an analysis of the way you played a set of boards showing you where you could have made more tricks either as a declarer or as a defender. Your bridge club's web site must be provided by Bridgewebs to make use of this web page.
Updated: November 21st, 2017
Ports is an applet which calculates the number of telephones required to handle calls. It can also be used for any calculation that employs the Erlang B or C algorithms.
Updated: March 23rd, 2000
PPT2Jpeg is a computer program which converts a PowerPoint
presentation into a set of JPEG files and assigns a number to the JPEG file
such that the files can be sorted into numerical order easily. For example if
there are one hundred slides in the presentation the first slide will be numbered as '001'.
The download file is the actual executable so download it into a folder and note where you put it.
Updated: November 26th, 2007
Processes is a computer program which displays the list
of currently running processes and enables you to kill selected processes
either immediately or when the computer starts.
For a screenshot click here. For the help file click here.
Updated: July 18th, 2005
Su Doku is a computer program which helps solve the Su
Doku puzzles as first published in The Times. The package contains a number
of the published puzzles. Some of the puzzles have a suffix of
'e' (easy), 'm' (mild), 'd' (difficult), or 'f' (fiendish). The
program can generate puzzles.
For further information click here. For a screenshot click here.
For a list of combinations for Killer Su Doku click here.
Updated: January 7th, 2007
Werdz is a phonetic spell checker which helps spell words
as they are spoken. The program first appeared on IBM's Alphaworks web
site in 1999.
For many people, especially those who are learning a language (children, those whose native tongue is not English and those who suffer from dyslexia), spelling a word correctly can be difficult. We all learned to speak before we could write.
This program enables words spelled as they are spoken to be spelled correctly. It will spell correctly words like "sossidge, lettis, and menny utha werdz."
If you would like to try the web-based version click here.
If you would like to install the Werdz plug-in for your browser click here.
For further information click here.
Updated: July 18th, 2005