Everlasting flowers
The quarry
Off we go to find more birds
White scabious
Interesting grasses
Quince tree
Views across to the Danube river
Aha we have found some birds
Rock Thrush
Another interesting grass hopper
Honey buzzard
Mistletoe growing on the oak trees
Oak forest
In the oak forest
Amanda covered in ants
Palmate grass
Showing the fingers
Green lizard
Analysing the grass type
Showing the 2 different types just found
Stan the true birder
Lovely soft grass would be great in the garden
Tuberous pea plant
Wasp spider again
Flock of sheep trying to shelter in the shade
Shepherd also in the shade
Bug carcass for a cicada
Ground wasps nest
Wild peony seeds
Flock of pelicans flying over
Now where is that woodpecker