Water flowers
Sitting in the shade
No sun at the back
Reed warbler
Heron flying
Purple heron in tree
Older bridhide
Penduline tit
Floating islands
Florin explaining the floating islands - how they are created and what is their importance
White water lily
White tailed eagles flying
Little flowered water lillies
On the way to Letea
Little channel to Letea
We disturbed a purple heron
Men waiting for us to land
Disembarking at Letea
Wattle and daub houses with reed thatched roofs
Corn straw stacks
Church in village
Risin plant
Typical Ukrainian houses
Maria and her dog
Maria and Graham hiding
An orange butterfly
We bought the girls ice creams
Decorative fence
The boat has moved and is waiting for us
Letea sign
They are waiting for us to go aboard for lunch
Our floating pontoon with its tug boat
Jane swimming in the Danube
Stork waitiing for his nest
Storks nest