Norway - January 2010
This is the diary of a 7-day trip to Norway which
started on 22 January 2010 and
ended on 28 January 2010.
It was organised by John via Taber Holidays
(more...) and Hurtigruten
(more...) - the Coastal Express.
The rate of exchange was £1 = 9.4 Norwegian Krone.
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We are picked up by Felix at 6:15am and
travel with Garry and Amanda to Heathrow where we arrive at 7:30. We
have a coffee in the departure lounge. We buy some wine as it is
going to cost £32 a bottle on the boat. The wine is put in
sealed bags and is not to be opened till we reach our destination.
Amanda searches in vain to buy some shoelaces. The plane departs for
Copenhagen on time at 9:55am. When we land we are met by John and
Fiona who have flown in from Edinburgh. We get on the 3pm flight to
. Outside the airport we look for the taxi to take us to the
boat. The company have no knowledge of our booking and so we get on a
minibus which takes us to the terminal. John pays and will reclaim
the fare from the travel company. That was agreed at the airport. We
are guided to
the boat, MS
is like a glorified ferry boat and
sleeps 1000 passengers. As we enter the boat we have to wash our
hands with anti-bacterial wash.
Our room is
on the 8th
deck looking seawards. John and Fiona's cabin is on the deck below
and faces the land. We wander
around the
boat. At 6pm we meet in a secluded area and drink our
imported wine. A member of staff informs us that we can only consume
our own drinks in our rooms. After cleansing our hands with
anti-bacterial foam we enter the dining room and are allocated a
table for six. We eat a buffet of a wondrous assortment of fish and
cold meats followed by cheese and ice cream. At 9pm the English
gather in the theatre and introduced to the crew and the all
enveloping thermal survival suit. We book tomorrow's excursion and
retire to bed to unpack our bags which have been left outside our
After a good night's sleep we get up
and have breakfast at 9am. It is overcast outside. After the buffet
breakfast we wander around the boat. At 10am it docks at
Torvik for
20 minutes. At noon it docks at
and we join an
English excursion.
There are 15 of us. Our tour guide is
an elderly
Norwegian. He speaks good English. We are lucky as today is the 106th
anniversary of the day when Alesund had a fire which burnt 10,000
houses and only one person died. Following the fire all houses in the
middle of towns had to be built of stone. Alesund was rebuilt in a
couple of years in the Jungenstil or as we know it, Art Nouveau. We
walk down a
pedestrian street (only
in Summer) which is lined with
Art Nouveau houses. These were amazing. In most
countries you get to see one or two buildings around the town. Here
you see whole streets of them as they were all completed in a 2 year
period. The decorations on the houses are attractive,
, fish and
to mention a few. The street is kept clear of
snow by sea water being pumped under the street. The town has a lot
of statues including
and an
old lady salting herrings.
We walk to
the Jungenstil Centre which is a museum occupying what used to be the
Swan Pharmacy. We walk into a time machine which takes us back to
1904 and the rebuilding of the town. The place was declared a town in
1948 which meant it could export its salted fish rather than send it
to Bergen. On the way back to the boat we pass some
fire engines
are celebrating the anniversary. A boat on the sound is firing a
jet of water.
We re-board the boat, spray foam on our hands and partake
of liquid refreshments in our room. We are joined by the resident
artist and photographer from Sydney, Leeanna
(more...). Half the party leave at
4pm to go and spend an hour
painting with
Leanna. Jane returns with a
creditable water colour at 5pm. The boat docks at
and we wander
round the town but find nothing of interest as
the church is
We return to the boat. We have an excellent three course meal
followed by a dip in
the jacuzzi
on the 9th deck under the
stars. The water is very warm and the air is a lot cooler.
There is a red glow in the cloudy sky which we think may be the Northern Lights.
The men
have a sauna but the ladies don't as theirs is turned off. We take a
nightcap in room 776 and retire to bed.
We dock in
and, after
breakfast, stroll into the city centre. It takes us about 20 minutes
to reach the church of
Var Frue.
The roads are quiet and the shops
are closed. In fact the city of 150,000 people is deserted apart from
foreign boat people wandering through its snow sided streets. We
enter the church which is opposite a statue of a
speed skater
decline to take coffee with a bunch of locals. We leave the church
make our way to
the cathedral which is closed to sight seers on a
Sunday. We go inside. At one end a small choir has gathered and singing.
We are left to admire the dark stained windows and the long tall
aisles. Outside we notice parents are bringing their children in to
be baptised. Some of the relatives are wearing national costumes. We
take photos of the huge
front of the cathedral
which was built over
the grave of St Olaf. A lady shows her
national costume
to us. On the way back to the boat we pass the
which is the largest wooden palace in Scandinavia. It
does look impressive. It's closed but should open at 1pm by which
time we will have left. The boat departs at noon. We pass a
small island
,Munkhulmen, once used as a prison.
Shortly afterwards we pass a very
pretty lighthouse
, the subject of
Jane's painting.
There is a short
precipitation of
the first weather disturbance we have had. We
have a quiet afternoon. We try and guess what time we'll cross the
Arctic Circle in the morning. There are only 260 passengers on the
boat and only 125 are doing the full 12 days trip. After the evening
meal we take a quick trip in the rain to the Polarlys, a sister boat
to this. We host the party in our cabin. Leeanna joins us. We retire
at 10:30pm.
We get up early at 6:45am to get ready
to go onto deck 9 to watch the crossing of the Arctic Circle. We see
the Northern Lights - a small patch of green
directly above the boat.
A globe
is mounted on a small island and is
lit. The boat sounds its horn as it crosses at about 7:16am. After
breakfast we have a short rest and all congregate on the 9th
deck to witness the ceremony of crossing the Arctic circle
pays us a visit and the winner of the Arctic competition is
announced after Jane is declared as
the runner up
for which she
wins a small present and the opportunity to have
ice cubes poured
down her back. We all have ice-cubes pushed down our backs and are
rewarded with a small swig of cloudberry wine. We adjourn to our room
and partake of stronger drinks and open Jane's present – an
out-sized T-shirt. At noon
we dock
at Bodo
after having seen lots of
soaring above. Four of us get on a sight-seeing coach
which takes us into the
centre of the city
of 40.000 people. There is
an English commentary spoken by a Norwegian with a Geordie accent and
a very good sense of humour. Bodo is the end of the northern end of
the railway line in Norway. The organisation which employs the most
people in the city is the civil/military airport. We are asked not to
take photographs. We are driven east inland along the promontory. The
roads outside the city are covered in snow. We travel for about 20
miles till we come to
a very tall bridge
that spans a stretch of
water along which rushes the
fastest tidal race in
the world. We have
We cross the bridge turn round and return over
the bridge and park under it. We wander down the snow-covered track
to the water's edge. A
whole mass of eider ducks
gather together on
the surface then all of a sudden disappear en masse below the waves.
We return to the boat at dusk, 3pm. The boat leaves as soon as we are
on board. At 4pm we go to the theatre and watch a collection of
Antarctic photographs and paintings by
They are very
intriguing especially the photos of ice windows, holes in the ice
through which the other side can be seen. Shortly afterwards we watch
a DVD of the Northern Lights in all their splendour. After an
excellent evening meal of carre of lamb we get off the boat at
and walk a few hundred yards on the wet and icy surface to
the Magic Ice
centre. It's a converted fish warehouse and contains a
lot of enormous ice sculptures.
Amanda has a drink out
of the conical
ice glasses. We return to the boat and wait in our cabins for the
At 11pm we clamber up one flight of stairs to deck 9
where it is
The boat stops at the mouth of a narrow fjord, Troll Fjord, in
the middle of the Raftsund. We have a rather rubbery true Norwegian
fish cake. It is not as good as the restaurant cooking. We see little
evidence of the Northern Lights and retire to our cabins.
We get up at 9am and have breakfast. At
10am Jane goes to art class, reluctantly, joined by John and Amanda.
Graham reads a book. At 11:30 the boat docks at
and Graham
surveys the artists. The boat arrives at
at 2:30pm. We depart
but it's blowing a gale, the rain is horizontal, and it is very icy on the ground. Both Fiona
lose their hats. They are now drifting in the North Sea.
Rica hotel
is just 200 yards away. We book in and go to our
. BBC World is on the television and wireless connections are
free – yippee. We all gather to celebrate Murray's win over
Nadal in the Australian Open. Our husky ride is cancelled because it
is too windy and there is not enough snow. We discuss where we should
eat tonight and decide to eat in the hotel. It is a
very good meal.
We have breakfast at 9am, having had
not such a good night's sleep. The room was too warm. The bed was too
soft and it kept rocking, but we had a good
At 11am we leave the hotel and walk
southwards to the Polaria sea-life museum. We pass
a wooden church
which was the main cathedral for the city. It is snowing and cold. We
get to the
to find out it does not open till noon but a girl
takes pity on us and says we can stay in the shop till it opens. It
is dusk already. We go in and are fascinated by the panoramic film
which shows wild life in the Arctic and beautiful views of the
Svalbard and Spitzbergen. We watch
three bearded seals
being fed.
They also perform some tricks with balls and rings. We leave and walk
northwards towards the bridge to the mainland. We fail to get a bus
and visit the
Polar Museum
instead. It is housed in two red wooden
buildings by the water's edge. In it are
of polar
explorations. We walk to the market place and on to a
where we have some local Mack beer. It is dark and only 3pm. We
return towards the market square and get a bus which takes us over the
bridge to the
Arctic Cathedral.
It is a magnificent modern building
almost like a white block of compacted Toblerone.
A pianist
practising for a concert tonight. We walk back over the
to the
hotel. At 6:45pm we walk
to Emma's Dream Kitchen
which is by the
wooden church. We go up to the first floor and sit at a round table.
We start with a
Norwegian Kir,
followed by a small prawn cocktail,
cod's tongue, cods loin and a cinnamon and fruit sorbet. This is
followed by very succulent
We wash it all down with expensive
wine. The pudding is a trio of chocolate. We end the
excellent meal
with a coffee. We have been in the restaurant for four hours. We walk
back to the hotel. It's not snowing but is very icy.
We have breakfast. The hotel provides
a very good buffet. Some go wandering the streets, some read their
books and others go to sleep or take
We check out at noon and board the
Flybussen which stops outside the hotel. We go through a tunnel to
the west part of the island. Part of the way through the tunnel we
come to a roundabout. We have never seen a roundabout in a tunnel
before. The Norwegians enjoying tunnelling. We emerge close to the
and check in using modern technology. All it requires is a
reference number. Our passports are scanned and boarding passes and
sticky labels for our baggage are produced. Graham has a fingerprint
taken which will enable him to pass through the departure gate after
putting his finger on a reader. We
an hour and board the plane
to Oslo. At Oslo we have expensive beers - £7 for 400ml and
say goodbye to John and Fiona who will fly to Copenhagen and then to
Edinburgh. We depart on time and land at Heathrow on time. Felix is
waiting and whisks us home. We've had a jolly good time and it's not
even seven days since we started the holiday.
for more holidays.