Extracts from the Minutes for 1968

List of Meetings

Wednesday, January 17th, 1968 at the Clubhouse

The Chairman reported that a meeting had been held between the Directors of the Holding Company and the sub-committee of this Committee when it was agreed to take all steps to wind up the Holding Company as soon as possible. Initially the Holding Company would appoint an expert valuer to value the Course in accordance with the Act.

The Secretary reported that the credit balance at Barclays Bank was £1671-12-9 and gave a break down of the recent items of income.

The secretary gave an interim report on the Dinner Dance stating that some ticket money was still outstanding. Twenty-one members were written to early in December about 1967 subscriptions and four were still outstanding . It was agreed to write to these four giving them seven days to clear their debts otherwise membership would be taken away.

The secretary brought forward the question of entrance fee for Miss Underwood who had been a junior member for two years stating that following the AGM it had been decided to deal with each case on its merits. Mr Goodall said it would be better to have a clear ruling and proposed that in such cases the entrance fee of ten guineas should be reduced by one guinea for each year of junior membership. This was agreed.

A letter was read from R A F, Thorney Island asking for six home matches (four ball) to be played at Corhampton on Wednesdays in March, April, May, August, and September. This was agreed in principle, the secretary to obtain more details of numbers, requirements for teas etc.

The Chairman gave a report from the Greens Committee which dealt with alternative tees for the Ladies. The Secretary passed on the views of the Ladies Captain and Committee regarding the 13th alternative tee.

The Secretary reported that the bungalow plans had received approval under Building Regulations but that he had heard nothing from the Planning Authority.

It was agreed that no green fees be allowed on Sunday except when playing with a member.

Wednesday, February 28th, 1968 at the Clubhouse

There was a full discussion on the Club's position with the Holding Company inaugurated by the Chairman who stated that he was disappointed at not receiving a report of the expert valuer. It was appreciated that a full report would have to go to a general meeting for approval and it was hoped this could be done at the AGM which would be held in a few weeks' time. It was agreed that a letter be sent to the Holding Company expressing the disappointment felt and mentioning the AGM.

The Secretary reported that the plan of the bungalow had received approval from the Local Authority but
the Planning Authority did not consider it entirely suitable for this important site. A further sketch on lines discussed with the Planning Architect was approved and a sub-committee comprising Mr Lutman and Mr Smith was appointed to decide all details of the bungalow with the Secretary.

Mr Parrett, the chairman of the Greens Committee, offered his regrets at being away so long but congratulated the Committee on what had been done on the whole course. His only criticism was the position of the Ladies alternative 4th tee and it was decided to give it a trial but Crockford be informed that his instructions would be given solely by the Greens Committee.

The dates of the six R A F matches were confirmed and would comprise four four-ball matches with teas provided by the Stewardess. It was agreed that Mrs Reeves would commence full summer duties on Sunday, March 10th.

A letter was read from Cyanamid Golfing Society asking to play fortnightly evening matches between April and October, the maximum number of players being 10. It was agreed to allow this subject to the games being played on a Tuesday evening, play not to be allowed on the medal tees but on those in use on the day in question.

On the proposition of Mr Valentine authority was given to the Greens Committee to purchase a new motor mower for the greens as and when required.

The Secretary did not present details of the club's finances as all is books were with the Auditor.

Thursday, March 21st, 1968 at the Clubhouse

Arising form the minutes the Secretary said he had written to the Holding Company as instructed and a letter, dated March 1st, was read to the meeting. In it Mr Lewis said he had not yet received the professional valuation of the Club land which is required to enable him to estimate the potential Capital Gains Tax liability. An extract was also received showing the position of the Club vis a vis the Company according to the meeting of the Board held on December 19th. Mr Lewis being present reported on the difficulties of valuation. He had spoken to Mr Gauntlett who put a value of £10700 on the land and that in the three years interim very little change in value had taken place and this could be a figure from £80 to £200. If the levy was worked out on a time apportionment basis the figure might be anything up to £700. Only the final calculation of the District valuer would settle it and Mr Lewis hoped that it would not exceed £100. The Chairman expressed the thanks of the meeting to Mr Lewis for his explanation.

The Green Committee report was presented by Mr Parrett and the Captain. A new mower had been purchased at a cost of £41-7-7 the type being a 17in Suffolk Punch.

The Captain said that last week he had moved the gang mowers which appeared to have seized up and he thought the Club should purchase a new set. He had heard from Mr Manning of Broadlands Garden Machinery Centre who had a new set of Greens' Triplex on rubber tyres which he was prepared to sell for about £290 which represented a saving of 20%. Everyone agreed on the necessity of new gang mowers but differing views were expressed on the use of rubber or steel wheels. The secretary read extracts from the February 1967 meeting when it was decided in principle not to repair the gang mowers but to buy a new set still hoping they would last out the 1967 season. It was decided to leave this matter in the hands of the Green's Committee who would report back to the full Committee.

Mr Lewis reported on the financial position of the Club which was in a healthy position with a new record surplus of £1504 compared with £1287 of the previous year.

It was decided to hold the AGM on Saturday, April 27th with the usual items on the Agenda plus the additional ones relating to the winding up of the Holding Company and the erection of the bungalow.

Wednesday, April 17th, 1968 at the Clubhouse

The secretary stated the financial position of the Club saying that there was now a total credit balance of £3258-1-7.

A letter received from Cdr Mallinson was read which while applauding the efforts of the honorary match secretary in organizing competitions within the Club stated that all competitions at present were run for the benefit of members who play on Sundays. He suggested that monthly medals, Stableford competitions be extended to allow for competitors putting in cards on the Saturday. The Captain said that he had already discussed this question of allowing play to be extended to the previous Saturday and that he was in favour of it. After discussion it was agreed to extend the monthly medal and Stableford competitions to the Saturday and Sunday. A trial period of six months was suggested.

Letters were read from Shell-Mex and BP Golfing Society asking to be allowed to run a competition for between 12-18 players on a Wednesday or Friday and from Cunard Golfing Society for May 23rd for 12-15 players. These were agreed to in principle, the actual dates and approvals to be decided by the Competitions Secretary.

The Chairman reported on the Green's Committee in the absence of Mr Parrett. He said that Mr Manning had agreed to substitute metal wheels on the new set of gang mowers he was offering to the Club without any addition to the price and that as a matter of urgency an order had been placed. The actions of the Greens Committee were confirmed.

Under any other business Mr Trivess brought forward the question of golf etiquette or lack of it on the course. It was decided that the Committee should set an example by pointing out any deficiencies to the culprits.

The Chairman and Mr Blanchard brought forward the question of parking on the roadside alongside the first hole and first green. After a lengthy discussion it was decided that three notices "Private Property - Keep Off" be obtained and fixed and in addition a ditch be dug as near the road as possible from the trees at the first gap to around the corner. It was decided to get the views of the Divisional Surveyor as the position etc of the ditch also bearing in mind the position of the underground telephone line.

A request from Mrs Reeves was brought forward that her Hoover Cleaner be renovated was left over for the time being as Mr Valentine said he was giving a good Hoover Cleaner, recently reconditioned, to the Club, he hoped, in four to six weeks' time.

It was agreed that concreting and wood panelling 3ft 6in high be done around the rear entrance of the bar which would clean up and hide the dust bins and empty crates etc.

AGM, Sunday, April 27th, 1968

The meeting took place at the Clubhouse and was attended by 54 members.

The captain, Mr WH Wilson referred to the sad loss of the club had sustained by the sad loss of Mr WC McNeil and the members stood in silent sympathy.

The Captain gave a lengthy report upon the Club's activities during the past year commencing by welcoming members particularly new members. He thought the course was in better condition than ever before, during the year a new machinery shed had been built, public telephone laid to the Clubhouse, a new mower bought for the greens, trees planted in parts adjoining he highway and last but not least a new fruit machine which was proving a valuable financial asset to the Club. It was intended to form a boundary ditch to prevent unwanted car parking and he also thank Mr Parrett for the use of a bulldozer whilst forming the ladies' alternative tees which would soon be brought into use. Mr Wilson also referred to the tasteful Christmas decoration of the Clubhouse which was done by Mrs Junqua and Miss Bell. There had been ten club matches played, three being won, four lost, two halved and one abandoned. The Captain also referred to the club competitions and thanked the new competitions' secretary, Mr Dacombe, for all his efforts and for making arrangements for the very successful film show. The Captain also thanked all members who had helped make the annual Dinner and Dance the success it had been. Finally he made a brief reference to the efforts of the Committee re the Holding Company and the proposed bungalow but said this would be dealt with later under a specific item. The Captain's report was received with acclamation.

Mr Lewis went through the various items on the reports stating that the club had again had a financially satisfactory year and after writing off £842 from the fixed assets a surplus of £1504 has been achieved which was an increase of £217 over the 1966 figures.

The election of officers for the ensuing year then took place with the following results: President - Mr JW Valentine, Captain - Mr WH Wilson, Vice-Captain - Mr PW Dacombe, Hon. Secretary and Treasurer - Mr F Lindley.

It was agreed that the out of pocket and travelling expenses for the honorary treasurer and secretary be the same as the previous year.

The report of the Committee re the Corhampton Golf Club Estate Ltd was then dealt with. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Report of the Committee re the Holding Company i.e. Corhampton Golf Club Estate Ltd.

Prior to 1950 the course was owned by the Wyndham-Long Estate and a nominal rent of £5 p.a. was paid to the owner plus £52 p.a. compensation to two farmers(North End Farm and Corhampton Lane Farm) which included the golf course in their acreage.

Mr Campbell Wyndham-Long died and it was decided to wind up the Estate and sell the farms separately. The Golf Club Committee held several meetings and agreed not to perpetuate the above rental arrangement but arrangement but to try and purchase the course as a separate entity. The Club, not having the money or the resources, asked certain members to try and purchase the Course and the Corhampton Golf Club Estate Ltd came into being. A Shareholder had to be a member of the Club and was limited to five 5/- Shares costing £1 each. These shares are non-profit making and £50 debentures were issued for the amount required to purchase the Course, pay compensation etc. and a sum of £3,200 was realised. The Club obtained a 21 year lease from the company, being liable to pay £120 per annum rent and in addition 50% of any profits for the purpose of paying interest to debenture holders, redemption of debentures so that eventually the golf course could be handed to the Golf Club when all the debentures had been redeemed. The Company have never insisted in taking 50% of the annual profits but for the past few years, when the Club could afford it sums of up to £250 per annum have been made to them with the result that in December 1967 the outstanding amount to repay debenture holders is about £500.

You will remember that Mr LS Goodall, Chairman of Directors of the Holding Company, has several times explained the position of the Golf Club vis a vis the Holding Company at Annual General Meetings of the Club and there is no doubt that our thanks are due to the Directors and Debenture Holders of the Company because if the Company had not been formed, it is quite feasible that the Corhampton Golf Club would not be in existence today.

The Directors of the Holding Company calculated that in the normal way the demise of the Company and the handing over of the Course to the Club would occur in 1971.

With the passing of the Finance Act 1965, two items which could seriously effect the Club emerged. These are:-
1. Capital Gains Tax.
2. Betterment Levy for certain forms of development.

Capital Gains Tax is based on the value at April 1965 and the difference if any, at the date of disposal. Your Committee feels that the longer this is left, say to 1971, the higher the tax is likely to be.

In addition your Committee consider that a bungalow should be erected on the Course to house the Professional/Greenkeeper. This is essential for the efficient running of the Club, safety of Club property i.e. to prevent the numerous burglaries that have occurred over the years and the approval of the various authorities has been sought. These items will be further explained if required.

Your Committee has had several meetings with the Directors of the Holding Company and agreed as follows:-
1. That, in the event that the Club wishes to acquire the Freehold of the Course and Land at any time before 1971 (when the present Lease expires and when in the ordinary course the repayment of the Company's Debentures would have been completed under the present arrangements between Club and Company) the Company will, for its part, do all necessary acts to comply with the wishes of the Club as expressed by its members in General Meeting, including the transfer of the land from the Company to trustees for the Club at any price or at no price as may be advisable, but subject to:
(a) An undertaking by the Club and/or its trustees to meet all or any costs and expenses, including any Capital Gains Tax (at Corporation Tax rates) betterment levy or other duties exigible, and the costs of determination of any such duties that may arise as a result of the transfer or disposal of the Assets from the Company to the Club.

(b) The provision of any funds needed by the Company for redemption (at the earlier date) of outstanding debentures and costs relating to this.
(c) The appointment of trustees approved by the Company.

The following propositions are put to you for approval :-

1. That the Club acquire the freehold of the Course and Land at once on the terms agreed with the Holding Company as set out above.
2. That a bungalow to house the Professional/Greenkeeper be proceeded with as soon as the necessary approvals are received.

N.B. It is hoped to display plans of the bungalow and give an estimate of the cost to the meeting.


The Secretary briefly outlined the report which chiefly dealt with the historical side and which was particularly important to new members to realise the position for the past 20 years (approx.). The Chairman explained the position regarding the two propositions put forward by the Club Committee. With regard to Capital Gains Tax no one knew what the exact figure would be but it was hoped this would not exceed £100-£200. One would assume that the longer the disposal was delayed the higher the tax. One person advised waiting for a new Government when they thought the Capital Gains Tax would be abolished. Finally it was agreed to acquire the course.

Regarding the staff bungalow, the Secretary displayed detailed drawings which he hoped would receive planning approval in the near future. He estimated that the cost would not exceed £4500. It was agreed to build a bungalow.

It was agreed to a member who did not play on a Sunday should be allowed to participate in the monthly medals and Stableford competitions on the Saturday before the Sunday and this should be done for a trial period of six months.

Wednesday, May 22nd, 1968 at the Clubhouse

The Chairman gave a welcome to Mr PA Reeves, the recently elected new member of the committee.

The Secretary reported that he had met with the Divisional Highway Surveyor and agreed the position of the trench to be excavated along the road approaching the first green, the trench to be on the highway side of the GPO telephone trench with the excavations put on top of the trench. The Surveyor had also promised to repair the pot holes at the entrance. The Committee agreed to approach Mr Carpenter to dig the trench.

The Secretary reported that the credit balance at the bank was £3309-16-8.

A letter was read which Mr Lewis had sent to Messrs Blake, Rea, Lapthorn and Williams instructing them to proceed with the transfer of the course to the Club. The Secretary stated that he had now received official approval for the bungalow from the Planning Authority and that he had commenced the specification thereof.

An account was presented from Broadlands Garden Machinery for the new gang mowers amounting to £298-16-10. It was decided to pay this as the rubber tyres had proved entirely satisfactory. The question was raised regarding the disposal of the old gang mowers and it was agreed to wait for any offers that might arise. Mr Dacombe mentioned the extractor fan which was still not functioning properly and he was informed that it had not been paid for. It was agreed that Mr Harvey be approached about the defective fan.

Mr Parrett presented his report in respect of the Greens Committee. He said arrangements had been made for spraying the daisies etc. but there had been some delay in the delivery of the spraying material. He rather implied that this was due to the material being ordered by the Pro./Greenkeeper. The actual spraying would be done by Mr R Horn. Mr Parrett presented a request from Mr AG Miles for an increase in wages of 1/- per hour. General satisfaction as to Miles' work was expressed and it was agreed that Miles be paid an additional £1 per week.

On the suggestion of the Secretary it was agreed that a Bar Committee be appointed to take stock monthly and Mr Smith, Mr Reeves were elected to act with the Secretary accordingly.

Thursday, June 27th, 1968 at the Clubhouse

A letter was read from the Divisional Surveyor, Hampshire CC, regarding the position of the recently dug ditch alongside the 1st hole stating that it was not in the position agreed by him and that in the event of any subsequent damage to the road or complaints from the public he would call upon the Club to make good any damage to the highway and re-cut the ditch filling in the trench which had been cut in the highway verge.

The Secretary reported that he had confirmed with the solicitor, Mr Rea, that he would act for the Club and asking him to push on with the transfer. A letter was received from Mr Rea stating that he had had no success with the Charity Commissioners trying to get them to agree the Club is a charity and exempt from Capital Gains Tax or Development Levy. He has suggested a scheme to Mr Lewis which might save the Club some money but in the absence of any information the Committee could only wait before commenting.

The main business item was certain items in the specification for the new bungalow chief of which was the method of heating and if hot water supply. The Secretary said he was waiting for estimates from the Southern Electricity Board for under floor heating and night storage heaters but that the specification was prepared as for solid fuel heating by a Parkray system which allowed for some radiators. A long discussion on the use of oil heating took place and it was agreed to obtain alternative prices for oil and solid fuel and if the tender accepted could provide for oil burning within the ceiling figure given at the AGM i.e. £4500 to install oil burning equipment. It was also agreed to allow £100 as a contingency item.

The Secretary reported that the credit balance at the bank was £2896-15-10. It was reported that the recent burglary on June 15th had resulted in the loss of £5-10-0 from the bar. It was noted that the bar takings were £212 down on the corresponding period last year and the Secretary suggested that this was undoubtedly due to the breathalyser law and it looked as if the overall takings and expenditure for 1968 would be very much less than for 1967.

The action of spending about £12 on a portable sprayer for the greens and surrounds by the Greens Committee was approved.

Mrs Junqua said the Ladies Section would like to hold an invitation meeting on October 12th and this was agreed to.

It was decided to hold the Men's Open Meeting on Sunday, September 8th with the events, fees etc as last year.

Wednesday, July 17th, 1968 at the Clubhouse

The Secretary reported that the balance at Barclays Bank was £2942-14-10.

In discussing the drop in green fees the Chairman remarked about the few numbers who played on Sundays. Whether this was due to weather or no green fees or not it was decided to admit up to twelve new members to the Club. This was left to the Chairman and Secretary.

A letter was read from Mr Lewis of the Holding Company mentioning possibilities put forward by Mr Rea, the solicitor. These were explained by Mr Goodall and in the absence of any concrete proposal it was agreed to proceed as instructed by the AGM in April last.

Dealing with the bungalow proposals, estimates were received from the Southern Electricity Board for space heating and under floor heating. It was agreed not to use electricity for heating but to continue with the proposals for oil firing. The draft specifications were in the hands of the sub-committee and would be proceeded with subsequently.

Arrangements for the open meeting were proceeding as planned and with regard to the morning medal round it was agreed that the handicap limit be 18 as last year.

It was agreed to hold the Annual Dinner and Dance at Kimbells, Southsea at the end of November or beginning of December.

Thursday, August 22nd, 1968 at the Clubhouse

A letter was read from Mr Lewis in which the solicitor stated the Club would obviously wish to keep control over the land by a power to direct the Trustees as to what they should do with it and that this power should be included in the Trust Deed. It was agreed that this should be done.

A letter had been received from Messrs Kimbells to the effect that the Clifton Room had been reserved for the Club on Friday, December 6th, 1968.

The Secretary reported that the balance in the bank was £3049-3-4.

The Chairman reported upon the Greens Committee's activities. He wanted a better type of sand which would be obtained from Hall & Co and it was left to him to negotiate the price and delivery. He was endeavouring to get some seats provided, also finding out the costs of new durable plates for the tees. He also thought consideration should be given to providing electricity in the new machine shed. The secretary reported that he had ordered new flags which should be here in time for the Open Meeting.

It was reported that the specifications for the bungalow had been duplicated by arrangement with Mr Smith and it was agreed to invite tenders from Millers, Bantings, Goble, Marshall, Catisfield Builders, and Wright. In connection with this the Secretary said it would take at least three weeks to get tenders in and it was agreed not to have the next committee meeting on September 19th but to await the receipt of the tenders and call a meeting as soon as possible.

Wednesday, October 2nd, 1968 at the Clubhouse

The Chairman reported that the Building Sub-Committee comprising Mr Lutman, Mr Smith, the honorary secretary and himself had met earlier this evening and opened six tenders for the erection of the staff bungalow. Five of the tenderers were building contractors who were members of the club. It was recommended that the lowest tender amounting to £4305 from J Miller & Sons (Builders) Ltd be accepted and this was carried unanimously.

The Secretary reported that the balance in the bank was £3455-15-7. The Secretary reported that a profit of £31-13-0 had been made from the Open Meeting held on September 8th.

It was agreed that the Hants Alliance of A & P Golfers be allowed to use the course on Thursday, March 13th, 1969.

The Secretary reported that a person from Curdridge had been elected a member in March and although he had played frequently during the past six months he had not paid any fees. He had been written to on August 21st and September 20th and had finally telephoned to say he thought he had paid but his accounts were with his auditor. After a long discussion it was agreed that the person be written to stating that the Committee were perturbed that the appropriate fees had not been paid and unless they were received within seven days his membership would be withdrawn and he would be barred from the course.

The Secretary said he had found correspondence from Mr Gamblin re the three parcels of agricultural land and a letter dated 7th November, 1962 which read "With reference to my discussion with Mr Dennis Pink yesterday, I confirm my offer to rent the three parcels of agricultural land situated on the above course for the sum of £50 per year of 364 days with no compensation payable either way on termination". This had been accepted on 8th November 1962. The general satisfaction of the committee was expressed and it was decided to wait until Mr Parrett, who had discussed the question of termination of one parcel of land with Gamblin, was in attendance.

The Captain presented the Greens Committee report in the absence of Mr Parrett. He explained the position re spiking the greens and winter working and recommended the purchase of a new type of spiking machine costing £74. It was agreed that subject to the approval of the Greens Committee after a demonstration the machine could be purchased.

Wednesday, October 23rd, 1968 at the Clubhouse

The meeting had been convened following the receipt of an urgent letter from the Solicitors (via Mr Lewis).

The correspondence re the three portions of land farmed by Mr Gamblin discussed at the last meeting was shown to Mr Parrett. It was agreed that Mr Parrett would obtain an estimate for preparing the future practice ground and proceed with work at once if he thought the estimate was reasonable.

A letter was read from Mr Lewis enclosing copies of draft rules which the Solicitor states must be incorporated in the Club's rules before the matter of conveyance can be completed. The draft rules are :-

1. There shall not be more that four Trustees of the Club. The first Trustees shall be elected by the Committee and a body corporate may be elected Trustee.
2. The property of the Club (other than cash which shall be under the control of the Treasurer) shall be vested in the Trustees to be dealt with by them as the Committee shall lawfully direct by resolution. An entry in the Minute Book of the Committee shall be conclusive evidence of the passing of such resolution.
3. The Trustees shall be indemnified against risk and expense out of Club property.
4. A Trustee shall be removed from office by a resolution of the Committee for any reason which shall seem to them sufficient.
5. Where for any reason it shall be sufficient to a Committee that a new or additional Trustee shall be appointed the Committee shall nominate the person to be the new or additional Trustee. The President is hereby nominated as the person to appoint new Trustees of the Club within the meaning of Section 36 of the Trustee Act, and he shall by Deed duly appoint the person nominated by the Committee to be a new or additional Trustee. The provisions of the Trustee Act 1925 shall apply to any such appointment.

It was agreed that the draft rules be accepted and that a General Meeting be convened on Saturday, November 23rd, 1968 when the above rules could be formally approved and included in the Club's Rules.

In his letter, Mr Lewis asked for a payment of £720 to the Company which would cover the year's rent now due, £500 for the payment of remaining debentures and £100 on account of costs and Capital Gains Tax not yet assessed. The request was agreed to.

The Secretary reported that the balance in the bank was £3341-4-5.

The Greens committee reported that the course was generally in good order and according to plan. Two mats to be purchased for the winter use at the 7th and 9th. A new ball washer required and that 36 tee markers be obtained at a cost not exceeding 36/- each. The report was approved.

A discussion re bar opening times was introduced and it was agreed that a proper list of opening times should be obtained and put up for the summer opening in 1969.

Wednesday, November 20th, 1968 at the Clubhouse

The Secretary reported that the balance in the bank was £1978-19-11.

A letter was read from T Sneezum (a new member) commenting about play on Sunday mornings at this particular time and wondering whether rules could be made to allow alternative starting by rights at the 3rd and 6th holes. It was pointed out that we had the alternative starting at the 10th and it would be chaotic to increase this. Anyone cutting in at the 3rd and 6th had to take notice of anyone playing the previous holes and had to give way. It was agreed however to alter the notice at the 1st tee to make it clearer that a player commencing a round had to alternate with anyone on the 10th if necessary.

Mr Parrett reported that he had seen Mr Gamblin and he agreed to pay a reduced rent of £45 for the two remaining pieces of land. This action was confirmed as was the commencement on the new practice ground by Bob Horn to be followed later by seeding, the seed to be provided by the Club. [Where was the practice ground?]

It was agreed to purchase the 36 plates for the tees at a cost of 25/- each and these would be obtained by Mr P Reeves as per sample produced.

EGM, Saturday, November 23rd, 1968 at the Clubhouse

The captain as chairman explained the necessity of the meeting which was to extend the rules of the Club incorporating certain provisions of the Trustee Act 1925 consequent upon the transfer of the course from the Holding Company to the Club. After a brief discussion the rules re Trustees were approved and adopted.


1967   index   1969