Extracts from the Minutes for 1957

List of Meetings

Monday, April 1st, 1957 at the Baker's Arms, Droxford

It was agreed that the sum of 30/= be paid to Mr Hanham for his labour in catching and eradicating the moles on the course.

The financial statement for the Annual Dance showed a profit of £61-0-9.

The following applications for membership were accepted: Mr & Mrs W G Godley of Exton, Mrs M Bunce of Southampton, Mr F Dodge of Denmead, Mr G Cox of Fareham, Mr J T West of Fareham, Cdr Bridge of Kingsmead, Cdr G Cobb of Meonstoke, Mr D Pink, Mr J Freemantle.

Mr Lewis, the Honorary Auditor, presented his annual report for 1956 stating that the Club had had an excellent year and was in a sound financial position. He drew attention to the bar account as compared with the previous year and also the satisfactory figure for greens fees.

The Secretary reminded the Committee that they should consider the possible redemption of debentures and it was agreed that the sum of £130 be repaid to the Holding Company which together with a balance the Company would enable three debentures to be repaid.

It was agreed that the AGM should be held on April 28th. It was proposed that the annual subscription should be increased by 11/2 guineas for men an 1 guinea for women. If this was agreed to it would enable a competent groundsman to be appointed and in any case our subscriptions were low compared to other clubs. It was agreed that the subscriptions be raised by 1 guinea for both men and women.

At this stage Mr Lewis and Mr Goodall, the chairman of the Golf Club Company, left the meeting.

Under any other business the question of changing the holes for No 3 & 4 strokes was discussed and it was left for the Green Committee to deal with.

A long discussion then took place regarding the condition of the course and the groundsman. General dissatisfaction was expressed particularly for not putting into being the winter programme which was agreed to at the previous meeting when the groundsman's winter wages were raised. All members spoke on this subject and finally it was decided that as the Green Committee were meeting on Sunday next one of its members should have a straight talk with the Groundsman expressing the general view expressed by the Committee.

Also agreed:
1. LGU markers to be purchased and placed on the course.
2. Two pints of M H 25 Grass Inhibitor costing £3 to be purchased for use in bunkers.

AGM, Sunday, April 29th, 1957

The meeting took place at the Clubhouse and was attended by 41 members.

The Secretary stated the only item arising form the previous minutes dealt with the cultivated portions of the course and that a letter had been sent to each member stating that the Committee had considered the question on four different occasions, have obtained legal views, but have not received the views of the Corhampton Golf Club Estate Ltd., who own the course. The Committee felt that to call a special meeting in view of these circumstances would be a waste of time. Mr Linnell commented upon the action taken by the Committee, saying the letter was merely a statement of fact, did not express any views and he deprecated that a meeting had not been called as agreed at the last AGM. He thought a vote of censure on the Committee should be passed. Mr Brooks said he agreed with Mr Linnell and further explained his views on compensation and ploughing up parts of the course as he had done previously. Several other members spoke on this subject and Mr Goodall explained the Company's position. The Secretary stated that one should read between the lines in respect of the letter circulated to members which meant that nothing further could be done and that the Committee relied upon the gentleman's agreement with Mr Collett. The vote of censure was put to the meeting and carried. Rather surprisingly Mr Brooks did not know that Mr Collett's offer and the gentleman's agreement was in writing but it was pointed out that this was stated at the previous meeting.

The Captain gave his report saying that the club had had a most successful year, over £200 had been spent on improving the Clubhouse and the dressing rooms and for the first time the club had water on tap although it was only rain water. Six matches had been won, one drawn and five lost. He asked for the views of members regarding matches as only eight matches of four clubs had been arranged. Mr Bunce closed by thanking all members in helping to make his year of office a happy and memorable one. The report was received with acclamation.

Mr Lewis then presented the Balance Sheet and Auditor's Report particularly stressing the increase in green fees and bar profits and said the club was in a sound financial position.

The Election of Officers for the ensuing year took place with the following results: President - Mr R P Chester, Captain - Mr R S Higgins, Vice-Captain - Mr S Clark, Hon. Secretary & Treasurer - F Lindley, Hon Auditor - H G P Lewis

A ballot for the remaining members of the committee took place.

It was agreed that the honorarium of the Secretary in respect of travelling and expenses be the same as last year i.e. £25.

It was proposed that a present of twelve golf balls be made to the Hon. Auditor for his past services and this was unanimously agreed to.

A discussion then ensued on the increase of the subscriptions and finally the proposition that was agreed to was that the increase of one guinea for both men and women was agreed to on the understanding that the Committee would do all in its power to increase the amenities of the club including whenever possible the employment of a professional/greenkeeper.

After the meeting was closed the retiring captain, Mr F L Bunce, presented the various cups and trophies for the past year.

Sunday, May 26th, 1957 at the Clubhouse

Arising from the minutes Mr Valentine reported that the Green Committee had considered the question of No 3 & 4 stroke holes and had decided to leave the position as it was. Further that Mr Valentine had been elected the spokesman in dealing with the groundsman and that he had already stated the Committee's views.

A long discussion regarding the groundsman and the condition of the course, particularly regarding buttercups and daisies then took place. All members took part in this and it was finally agreed it should be left until the next meeting which would be held on Sunday, June 16th.

The election of the Green Committee, Handicap Committee, Social Committee and Bar Committee took place.

The Secretary reported that he had heard that the T A Hall at Titchfield had been offered to our organisation for New Year's Eve an that he had stepped in and booked it. His action was confirmed.

It was decided that a sweepstake be run on the St. Leger as in previous years.

The Open Meeting date etc was discussed and Mr Wilson agreed to find out if the Hockley Club had an open meeting in September so that we could avoid it.

Sunday, June 16th, 1957 at the Clubhouse

The Secretary stated that at the last meeting it was agreed that the condition of the course be discussed and that it was regretted that only five members of the Committee were present. Since the last meeting all fairways had been cut and the problem of buttercups and daisies settled for this year. Dr Mitchell joined in the discussion and it was agreed that with his almost daily visits to the course he would be an asset on the Green Committee.

The date for the Open Meeting was considered and it was learnt that Hockley was having theirs on September 22nd so we would have ours on September 14th & 15th. In this connection the view was expressed that the Ladies would have more support if a morning fixture i.e. Ladies Medal was included and it was agreed to leave this to the Secretary and the Lady Members.

Wednesday, August 7th, 1957 at the Clubhouse

The application of Mr M P Denham-Jones for Junior Membership was agreed.

The Secretary brought forward the question of the Open Meeting particularly with regard to the Ladies Day i.e. September 14th. It was explained that the large open meeting at Rowland's Castle and Hayling clashed with this day and several Lady members had questioned the advisability of altering the date. After a discussion it was agreed that events 3 & 4 (Sunday) should be held on the date advertised and that the Saturday (Ladies' Day) should be cancelled for this year and the possibility of a Ladies' Spring Meeting be considered later.

The Secretary stated he had two disturbing items to bring forward. He said the Steward had reported to the Captain on July 6th and to him later that during the week ending July 6th 17 bottles of various beers and a quantity of beer had been stolen from the bar presumably via the window which could be lifted out bodily. At the monthly stock-taking carried out tonight an allowance of £4-14-1 had been made. The second item was that at the weekend July 25th-27th the Green Fee box and takings amounting to £5-10-1 approx. had been stolen from the Clubhouse. The Steward was away in London on Friday and Saturday and the Clubhouse had therefore not been locked up. The Secretary said unfortunately the club had had two away matches on the Saturday and Sunday and the date of the theft could not be pin pointed. The police had been notified. The Committee received these items with regret.

A general discussion on the duties and pay of the groundsman ensued as he had asked the Secretary to bring forward the question of an increase of his pay of £5-10-0 per week. It was agreed to hold a further meeting of the Committee on Sunday next at 8pm when it was hoped all members would be present.

Dr Mitchell brought forward the position of the boundary between the Club and Shepherd's Down Farm as on the farm a lot of tree felling had taken and was taking place and he thought the farmer was encroaching. It was agreed to leave this over until an inspection could take place.

Sunday, August 11th, 1957 at the Clubhouse

The Secretary stated that the purpose of the meeting was to consider the application for an increase of wages to the groundsman which had been fully discussed at the previous meeting. After a long discussion it was unanimously agreed that the groundsman's wages be increased by £1 per week in the summer and 10/- per week in the winter. The winter period to be from November 1st to 28th February.

Continuing the subject of the Greenkeeper and bearing in mind the remarks passed at the AGM as to the use of the increased subscriptions it was agreed that a sub-committee be formed to consider the implications.

The boundaries of the course were mentioned by Dr Mitchell and it was agreed that this was a matter for the holding company.

Thursday, November 14th, 1957 at the Baker's Arms, Droxford

The Secretary presented the account for the Open Meeting which showed that there was a loss of £3-10-6 whilst the St. Leger sweep had made a profit of £2-10-0.

The Secretary presented an account which he had received from Mr Higgins for painting the exterior of the Club premises amounting to £49-15-3 made up of materials £9-11-2 and labour £40-4-1. The majority of the members were astounded at this charge as they were of the view it was being done free of cost to the club apart from materials. This was supported by the fact that it had not been approved by the Committee or any idea of the cost involved brought before them, merely a statement after the August meeting by Mr Higgins that he was prepared to do it. It was agreed that the cost of materials be paid and that an ex-gratia payment of £20 be paid for the labour charges.

The Secretary stated he had received a letter from Mr Collett saying that owing to the poor nature of the ground he would not be able to carry on renting it. This was a surprise to the Committee although it confirmed the views given at the AGM in 1956 when some members censured the Committee for letting the ground owing to the possibility of compensation. The March 1956 minutes were read and October 1955 when Mr Collett had suggested a gentleman's agreement, subject to two years' notice. It was agreed that a letter be sent to Mr Collett pointing out the gentleman's agreement, the two years' notice and asking Mr Collett to put the ground back in a tidy condition.

The question of obtaining the services of a Professional/Greenkeeper was brought forward when a report was given on the meeting with Mr Slocombe of Royal Winchester G C. A letter re the appointment had also been received from Mr L B Ing of Alresford. Instructions on the subject from the last AGM were reviewed and it was agreed that a sub-committee be formed to interview Mr Slocombe and to report back to the full Committee on the prospects of employing him.

It was agreed that the Hants Alliance be allowed to use the course on Wednesday, October 22nd 1958

The Secretary gave an interim report on the arrangements he had made for the New Year's Eve Dance and that a further meeting was required for this purpose in December.

It was agreed that Mr Banting should dismantle the Tennis Hut now situate at Mr Merrington's and re-erect it on the course. This was a gift arranged by Mr Freemantle and it was thought it could make a suitable building for a professional's shop.

Sunday, December 22nd, 1957 at the Clubhouse

Arising from the minutes the Secretary stated that he had spoken to Mr Higgins as agreed at the last meeting who stated that he could not accept the suggested ex-gratia payment of £20. A letter dated December 9th received from Mr Higgins was read in which he said that to ease the situation he was prepared to accept £40 and the remaining £10 (approx) to be considered as a gift to the club. After a long discussion it was agreed that £40 be paid to Mr Higgins but the extra £10 should not be considered as a gift but the account reduced from £49-15-3.

The Secretary stated that he had visited Mr Slocombe, the Winchester professional regarding our vacancy and that the next move should come from Mr Slocombe.

The Secretary reported upon the arrangements for the New Year's Eve Dance which were well in hand.

1956   index   1958